Physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians, called physiatrists, are medical doctors who diagnose and provide non-surgical treatment for acute and chronic disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, muscles and other disabling conditions related to illness, surgery or injury. Physiatrists treat the whole person, not just the problem area, collaborate with other health care providers and focus treatment on function.
Our physiatrists create treatment plans that consider the unique needs and goals of each patient and provide an individualized and holistic approach, often through collaboration with other health care professionals such as physical and occupational therapists, to manage symptoms and restore function toward improved quality of life.
Depending on the injury, illness, or disabling condition, our Physiatrists may treat their patients using the following procedures/services:
- Individualized prescriptions for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Speech Language Pathology Services
- EMG/Nerve Conduction Studies
- Acute and Chronic Pain Management
- Manual Medicine/Osteopathic Treatment
- Prosthetics and Orthotics Evaluations
- Spasticity Treatment (Phenol and Botulinum toxin injections, intrathecal baclofen pump trial and implants)