Archives: Services
The sports medicine program at Northeast Rehab offers sports physical therapy to children and adults of all ages. We know how important it is for you to get back in … Continue reading "Sports Medicine"
What is Dry Needling? Trigger Point Dry Needling is a technique that may help manage or alleviate your pain symptoms by treating trigger points using solid filament needles. Trigger points … Continue reading "Dry Needling"
COVID-19 has affected many people and can have lasting effects, well beyond the acute phase of the virus. People that have ongoing symptoms from COVID-19 develop what is known as ‘Post-COVID Syndrome’ or ‘Long Covid’. Another term some are using is ‘long hauler’. These long haulers have symptoms that can…
Low back pain and neck pain are some of the most common conditions treated in the country. In fact, almost 1 out of 3 Americans reported back pain in the … Continue reading "Spine Therapy"
Amtryke adaptive bikes provide an age appropriate, safe, dynamic therapy for improving balance, coordination, and strength. Because it is so fun, our patients don’t even know they’re receiving therapy! Using the … Continue reading "Amtryke Therapy"
Northeast Rehabilitation Spasticity Clinics work with patients and families to provide comprehensive evaluation, education, medical, and procedural management of spasticity, or an abnormal increase in muscle tone or tightness due … Continue reading "Spasticity Management"

We have teamed up with Northeast Passage to offer a unique adaptive recreational experience. Adaptive recreation allows those with disabilities to play golf, ride bikes, and brush up on other … Continue reading "Adaptive Recreation"
At our Portsmouth hospital we feature an indoor mobility park, Independence Way. Patients can practice the activities of daily living to help them prepare for maximum function in the community. … Continue reading "Independence Way"
Patients recovering from a brain injury and admitted with orders for close or distant supervision, may be offered the unique services of a patient coach. These members of the rehab … Continue reading "Patient Coaches"
Northeast Rehabilitation offers a comprehensive, interprofessional team certified to treat acute and chronic wounds, including diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, arterial wounds, pressure ulcers, surgical wounds, radiation wounds, traumatic burns and … Continue reading "Wound Care"
The Bioness Integrated Therapy System (BITS) is a software program which can aid in therapeutic process for individuals with traumatic injuries, movement disabilities and disorders of executive function. This therapy … Continue reading "Bioness Integrated Therapy System"
We understand that recovery after a joint replacement surgery can be an overwhelming thought which is why our recovery program is based on education, preparation and outcomes. What Sets Us … Continue reading "Home Care Joint Camp"
Our patients appreciate all of the onsite services and programs provided during their stay. A unique care plan is developed for each patient based upon his or her particular needs and … Continue reading "Inpatient General Services"
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is a therapeutic rehabilitation technique designed to teach the brain to “rewire” itself following a neurological injury such as stroke, brain injury or multiple sclerosis … Continue reading "Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)"