Anodyne Therapy
Anodyne therapy is an innovative noninvasive, painless therapy that uses infrared light for the treatment of pain, numbness and decreased circulation as a result of peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness and pain from nerve damage, usually in the hands and feet). Anodyne therapy is used in conjunction with physical therapy to produce maximum results.
Anodyne therapy can provide benefit if you are experiencing any of the following:
- Pain or numbness that keeps you from completing daily tasks
- Unable to walk as far or as fast as you would like
- Difficulty with sleep because of these problems
- Have fallen or are fearful of falling because you can’t feel your feet
- Would like to rely less on medication to decrease pain
Our comprehensive approach to your care may include some or all of the following:
- Anodyne therapy to reduce your pain, increase your circulation and improve your sensation
- Stretching and strengthening
- Balance and walking
- Sensory integration techniques to help it all work better together