Archives: Services

Foot drop is a condition where the muscles in the foot are too weak to properly lift the foot and toes while walking. The award-winning Bioness L300 Foot Drop System … Continue reading "Bioness L300"
Our Pediatric Speech program offers comprehensive speech therapy for children, ages birth thru adolescence. Our Pediatric Speech Therapists treat a variety of communication and swallowing disorders including: Articulation and phonology … Continue reading "Pediatric Speech Therapy"
The outpatient adult speech therapy team at NRHN works with each patient to reach their individualized communication, cognitive or swallowing goals. Our Speech-Language Pathologists help them achieve the greatest amount … Continue reading "Speech Therapy"

Northeast Rehabilitation Specialty Clinics provide evaluation, education and assistance in selecting the right equipment for each patient and then assist patients as they transition their equipment into their daily routines.
Our coordinated team approach ensures the patient receives the optimal device and therapy to maximize function.

Pediatric occupational therapy helps children gain independence and promotes development of fine motor skills, sensory motor skills and visual motor skills

Occupational therapists work with patients and their caregivers to improve an individual’s ability to perform everyday activities with greater ease, satisfaction and independence.

Kids and water can be a wonderful combination. If your child is in a therapy program, then aquatics may be a great addition to his or her current treatment.

The use of water allows you to function at levels that are not possible outside of this environment, which affords positive physical gains.
Speech-language pathologists can help individuals diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.
Physical therapy is an effective treatment for a variety of orthopedic injuries and neurologic conditions. Physical therapy addresses the illnesses or injuries that limit a person’s ability to move and … Continue reading "Physical Therapy"
Pediatric physical therapy promotes independence, increases participation, facilitates motor development, improves strength and endurance while easing challenges with daily care tasks. Our pediatric physical therapists will provide individualized family center … Continue reading "Pediatric Physical Therapy"

Our women’s health rehab and wellness programs offer treatment for health conditions that predominantly affect women. Some of the conditions include pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic pain, and post-mastectomy conditions. We … Continue reading "Women’s Health Rehabilitation"

Our men’s health programs offer an innovative approach toward the comprehensive treatment of health care needs exclusive to men. Our therapists are highly specialized and are devoted to promoting healthier … Continue reading "Men’s Health"

Parkinson’s Support Group at Northeast Rehab Our Parkinson’s Support Group, Loud and Empowered, helps you continue your therapy after leaving NRHN and connects you with other Parkinson’s patients. Loud and … Continue reading "Parkinson’s Support Group"