Wheelchair Evaluations
Our Wheelchair Evaluations are available for anyone who has the need for a wheelchair or scooter. This includes individuals who need a wheelchair for the first time, or someone who has an existing chair, but may need adjustments or a replacement chair.
A licensed physical therapist and certified assistive technology professional (ATP) work collaboratively in the selection of a wheelchair and cushion system to best meet your needs. Upon delivery of the wheelchair system, a final fitting assessment by the ATP in your home ensures the wheelchair fits optimally and that you are satisfied with the equipment provided.
What you can expect from the Wheelchair Evaluation Clinic:
- A physical therapist (PT) will interview you for relevant medical history related to a wheelchair or scooter.
- A PT will conduct a comprehensive wheelchair evaluation (tests may include strength testing, sitting posture, flexibility, and other appropriate tests).
- A physical therapist and an assistive technology professional (ATP) will discuss appropriate chair or scooter options that will fit your needs based on the information gathered, and your insurance.
- A trial will be conducted at the clinic, if possible, otherwise one will be done at your home.
- We will work with your insurance company to determine coverage for your chair and any out-of-pocket costs you may be responsible for.
- If appropriate, the ATP will follow-up with you on additional trials and delivery of approved equipment.
To learn more about our Wheelchair Evaluation Clinic or to schedule an appointment with one of our wheelchair experts, please call 888-950-9939.